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Jim Carrey Says He Doesn’t Care If His Anti-Trump Politics Cost Him Fans: ‘Lose Them’

Actor and comedian Jim Carrey [1] has entered the political arena recently, posting his original political themed artwork on social media. Carrey is a painter, who has used his artistic talents to make his political leanings clear.

On Sunday, Carrey said that his management team told him he might lose half of his social media audience as a result of his political posts. Carrey was speaking on a Vulture Festival panel. He said,  “It was interesting, because when I first starting playing on Twitter like everyone else, I got in trouble because I was honest.”

He continued, “A terrible thing to be on Twitter! It was a little scary, and I became an activist when it comes to this political stuff. There was a lot of pressure on me from my management going like, ‘don’t mess this up, you got it going good and people love you, when you talk about politics and other issues, you’re going to lose half of your audience.’ And I said, ‘lose them.’”

Carrey said that he has felt the need to speak his “peace and truth.” Carrey did admit that he has given his Twitter account to an assistant so that he does not tweet something rash. Carrey has been critical of the president.

In October, Carrey tweeted a drawing depicting an explosive device coming out of President Trump’s mouth. He said that the drawing was meant to be a symbol of the president’s responsibility for the pipe bombs that were sent by a Trump super fan to the president’s political foes. Many pointed to the president’s heated and violent rhetoric as creating the violent political climate that led to the bombs being sent.

On Sunday, Carrey tweeted another work. The piece is a caricature of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The artwork shows McConnell looking like a turtle.