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Trump Just Thanked HIMSELF For Lowering Gas Prices, ‘Way To Go President T!’

Donald Trump thanked himself for lowering gas prices in a tweet Sunday morning.

Trump likened the recent drop in oil prices to “a big Tax Cut.”

“So great that oil prices are falling (thank you President T),” the president wrote. “Add that, which is like a big Tax Cut, to our other good Economic news. Inflation down (are you listening Fed)!”

The tweet comes days after Trump thanked Saudi Arabia for falling oil prices and urged: “Let’s go lower!”

Last week, Trump reaffirmed the U.S.-Saudi relationship despite the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The president declined to criticize Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman for Khashoggi’s death, despite intelligence reports that the crown prince likely ordered the assassination inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Trump has indicated that issuing sanctions or punishing Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi would result in a spike in oil prices.

“If you want to see oil prices go to $150 a barrel … all you have to do is break up our relationship with Saudi Arabia,” he said last week.

Saudi Arabia is the third-highest global producer of oil, although we get the majority of our oil from Canada.

Twitter wasn’t impressed: