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Trump Wrote A Campaign Check to Argentina’s President in 2015 — And It Bounced

According to Axios [1], in August 2016, when Hillary Clinton was widely expected to be elected president, Argentina’s new president told Secretary of State John Kerry and other senior U.S. officials a story about Clinton’s underdog rival, Donald Trump.

Argentina’s Mauricio Macri, elected president in 2015, has a long history with Trump, dating back to a contentious business deal between Trump and Macri’s father. So Macri was surprised, he told the Americans, when Trump called him up out of the blue during Macri’s campaign to offer help.

As Macri reportedly told the story, imitating Trump during the recounting, Trump told him he’d been watching Macri, adding, “I remember you fondly and I remember the business deal.”

Since the deal hadn’t gone well, Macri said, he responded: “Fondly? Fondly, you son of a gun?” Then Trump offered help, and Macri shrugged it off until a FedEx envelope with a check arrived. The three people who told Axios the story couldn’t agree on whether Trump’s check was for $500 or $5,000, but they all remembered the punch line: “It bounced.”

The White House declined to comment to Axios, and Argentina denied that the conversation ever took place. “The conversation certainly did take place,” Axios rebuts. “It’s not conceivable that our three sources could have colluded to make this up.” Still, Macri’s administration has diplomatic and practical reasons to deny the story: Trump tends to take public slights seriously and if the anecdote’s true, Macri would have technically broken Argentina’s rarely enforced restrictions against accepting foreign campaign donations.

Trump last interaction with Macri was also a strange one. Trump met Macri at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, and during the introduction, Trump wandered off stage [2] and was overheard on hot mic saying “get me out of here.”