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Chris Christie Explains the Mystery of Why Trump Wears Such Long Ties — To Look Thin

Donald Trump has a weird relationship with his ties. They are famously very long, and he uses scotch tape to hold them together. (No really [1]!) I guess tie clips are for liberals.

Well, we finally have a reason as to why Trump wears such giant, long ties.

In former New Jersey governor Chris Christie’s upcoming memoir, “Let Me Finish”, he says that Trump apparently thinks the long tie has a slimming effect on one’s body. According to The Guardian [2], which obtained an early copy of the book, Christie writes that during the 2016 presidential election, Trump advised him to wear longer ties so that it would make him appear skinnier.

This was apparently not the first time Trump had berated Christie about his weight. Christie also wrote in his book that Trump once told him that he needed to lose weight during a dinner in 2005, insisting that “you gotta look better to be able to win” in politics. This pretty much aligns with what we know about Trump’s political priorities.

Fashion experts tend to disagree with Trump’s tie advice. GQ says the tip of a man’s tie should fall right in the middle of his waistband or his belt. As Esquire put it, a garment as lengthy as the style Trump prefers is “type of territory to put him in danger of splashback or getting fabric caught in his fly,” but Trump seems to have eschewed that particular piece of fashion etiquette.

If anything, at least we’ve now solved the mystery that launched a thousand memes.