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Jeanine Pirro Just Admitted She Lied During Last Night’s Interview With Donald Trump

On Saturday night Fox News’ “Judge” Jeanine Pirro held a call-in interview with Donald Trump, and it turns out she told a big ol’ fat lie.

During the interview Pirro said that Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was vacationing with Democratic colleagues in Puerto Rico over the weekend. After her claim was easily debunked. Pirro walked back her story on Twitter.

Pirro tweeted, “During my exclusive interview with Pres Trump I said Speaker Pelosi was in Puerto Rico with a bunch of her Democrat colleagues. I based that on numerous reports that turned out to be wrong. The Speaker’s office says she has been in DC all weekend and I take them at their word.”

Other Democrats are in Puerto Rico with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to learn infrastructure and economic challenges Puerto Rico is facing in the wake of Hurricane Maria, which devastated the island, and they will meet with local officials.

Twitter had some thoughts: