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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Gets Destroyed For Her Pathetic Defense Of MAGA Teens

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders appeared on Hannity Tuesday night where she discussed the response to the Covington Catholic viral video.

Sanders said, “I’ve never seen people so happy to destroy a kid’s life.”

The Covington Catholic High School students were criticized for their manic response to the Native drummer, Nathan Phillips, who was participating in the Indigenous Peoples March. One student, Nick Sandmann, stood inches from Phillips with a wide smirk.

“These are kids ― let’s not forget ― these are 15- and 16-year-old kids who were put in a very tough position and actually handled it very well,” Sanders continued.

Her plea on behalf of young people struck many as hollow. After all, Donald Trump and plenty of his supporters have a long history of attacking young people, especially if they are Trump critics.

Her comments did not escape the notice of Twitter. Pundits, politicians, and others wasted little time bringing up various administration policies and personal acts from Trump which seemed to run very much afoul of her statement.

Notably, Trump’s crusade to have the death penalty imposed on the later-exonerated Central Park Five was brought to the fore, as was the administration’s child migrant separation policy.

Twitter had some thoughts: