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Trump Gets Nasty When He Learns Nancy Pelosi Says No to SOTU, ‘Dems Have Become Radicalized!’

Donald Trump responded to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow him to give his State of the Union…and he was not happy.

“Mr. President, Nancy Pelosi just responded and said she will not consider a concurrent resolution to have you come to the house on January 29th to deliver the state of the union. Your response to the House Speaker,” a reporter asked.

“I’m not surprised. It’s really a shame what’s happening with the Democrats. They have become radicalized. We they don’t want to see crime stop, which we can very easily do on the southern border. It’s really a shame what’s happening with the Democrats,” Trump said.

“This will go on for awhile. Ultimately the American people will have their way because they want to see no crime. They want to see what we’re doing. Today we lowered prescription drug prices… The Democrats would never have been able to do that. So we’re all working very hard. We’ll have to respond to it in a timely manner,” he added.

In her letter, Pelosi maintained he will not gave the State of the Union from the House chamber as long as the government remains shut down.