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Trump Just Tried To Show Up Nancy Pelosi With Last Minute Press Briefing Stunt — Fails Miserably

With the Federal government shutdown in its 13th day, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced a surprise briefing with just a few minutes notice on Thursday.

This is the first briefing of 2019, and the first since Dec. 18. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins reported on the network that there are a number of empty seats in the room — with the press corps having been caught off-guard by the surprise briefing.

Sanders gave brief remarks, then announced that our “great president” Donald Trump would be speaking.

Let me say this first, this was nothing more than a stunt. No questions were allowed to be asked. It was propaganda, pure and simple.

Trump began the hastily announced event by congratulating Pelosi on her victory, but quickly pivoted to making the case for his long-promised border wall.

“I have never had so much support as I have in the last week over my stance for border security, for border control, and for frankly, the wall or the barrier,” he said.

“You can call it a wall, you can call it a barrier, whatever you want,” Trump continued, adding that Americans want “security.”

Trump was flanked eight by Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, who took turns at the podium arguing why a wall is needed between the U.S. and Mexico.

After they all spoke, Trump turned around and left without taking any questions.

Twitter was not happy: