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Trump Just Tweeted at Nancy Pelosi While She Was Giving Presser, ‘We Will Not Cave!’

Donald Trump warned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday he won’t settle for less than his $5.7 billion demand for border wall funding.

Trump tweeted, “Nancy just said she “just doesn’t understand why?” Very simply, without a Wall it all doesn’t work. Our Country has a chance to greatly reduce Crime, Human Trafficking, Gangs and Drugs. Should have been done for decades. We will not Cave!”

Trump’s message came moments after Pelosi began her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill, citing stories from federal employees affected by the ongoing government shutdown.

“That should be a call to action for the administration to open up government. Instead, what do they have? They have Wilbur Ross saying he doesn’t understand why, when he was asked about people going to food lines and pantries and the rest. He says he doesn’t understand why they have to do that,” Pelosi said, referring to the the commerce secretary’s CNBC interview earlier in the day. “‘I don’t quite understand why’ as hundreds of thousands of men and women are about to miss a second paycheck tomorrow.”

The government have been shuttered since Dec. 22 after negotiations between the Trump administration and Democratic leadership broke down over funding for Trump’s plan fund a physical barrier project along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Senate is scheduled to vote on two competing pieces of legislation on Thursday that could reopen the government, one inspired by Trump and another from Democrats. The GOP bill, if passed, would keep the government funded through Sept. 30 and includes the $5.7 billion allocation for a physical border barrier, which Democrats don’t support. The Democratic bill would fund the government through Feb. 8, but without money for the wall. Democrats say their measure gives the parties time to discuss border security while federal workers are being paid.

Twitter had some thoughts: