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CBS Cuts Off Trump’s National Emergency Speech For ‘The Price Is Right’ and Everyone Cheers

CBS cut away from Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the border on Friday to return to its regularly scheduled programming of “The Price is Right” on the East Coast…and people on Twitter were very supportive of the move.

All of the broadcast and cable news networks carried the declaration and press conference that followed, with only CBS deciding to cut away after 21 minutes before the event was complete.

Trump spoke from the Rose Garden of the White House to announce he was declaring a national emergency at the border to build barriers to guard against illegal immigration.

“I am going to be signing a national emergency,” Trump said after the announcement was delayed from its original 10:30 a.m. start.

“It’s a great thing to do because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people,” the president said in seeking to justify the need for an emergency declaration.

The Trump announcement from the Rose Garden of the White House was delayed from its original 10:30 AM eastern time start. Trump said he was declaring the emergency “because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people.”

CBS News reported that the White House assured the network Trump’s speech would be no longer than eight minutes. But Trump started at 1:10 PM and finished at 2 PM.

Twitter has some thoughts: