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‘Daily Show’ Sends ‘Bricky the Wall’ to Trump’s Rally and It’s The Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day

When Donald Trump traveled to El Paso, Texas this week for a rally in support of a border wall he seems more and more unlikely to get, he was joined by a surprise visitor who we are only learning now was from The Daily Show.

“Bricky the Border Wall,” who was billed as the “official mascot” of Trump’s wall Wednesday night, spent the afternoon interviewing Trump supporters who were eager to talk to him about why they want to “keep all the illegals out” of the country and prevent Venezuela from selling fake passports to ISIS, among other unhinged conspiracy theories.

“I can’t wait for these ISIS guys to join a caravan and walk over a thousand miles but then they give when they see me, the wall!” Bricky exclaimed.

Bricky was so convincing that he ended up in Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show monologue the previous night, before anyone knew he was a Daily Show plant.

“Someone actually showed up to the rally wearing a wall costume,” Fallon told viewers, showing them a photo of the mascot. “Looks like Spongebob’s conservative uncle,” he added. “He was having fun until someone dressed as the Kool-Aid man tried to run right through him.”


Bricky also has a Twitter, and it’s pretty funny: