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Trump Cultists Form ‘Human Wall’ At Border After Trump Calls for ‘a Human Wall if Necessary’

According to the Washington Post [1], dozens of supporters of Donald Trump gathered at the southern border in New Mexico and heeded Trump’s call to “build a human wall if necessary.”

The supporters linked hands and waved American flags and handmade signs as they stood in line at the U.S.-Mexico border on Saturday, according to the Post.

The line formed at Sunland Park, N.M., where there is a gap in border fencing just across the boundary line from Ciudad Juarez in Mexico.

Trump last week posted on Twitter that “tremendous numbers of people are coming up through Mexico,” adding that “we will build a Human Wall if necessary.”

Apparently some supporters took it literally. People in the human wall were picture wearing “Make American Great Again” hats and sporting signs with messages such as “Stop the drugs that destroy our youth.”

Sunland Park also shares a border with El Paso, Texas, where Trump will hold his first campaign rally of the 2020 election cycle Monday.

Trump is expected to use the visit to the southern border to further amplify his call for a border wall.

Congress is still in negotiations over funding for border security after a 35-day partial government shutdown came to and end last month without money for Trump’s proposed border wall.

Trump is reportedly considering whether to declare a national emergency in order to secure funding for a border wall if negotiations with Democratic leaders fall apart.