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Trump Just Predicted the End of the Media in SIX YEARS, Then Cheers on Smirking Covington Kid’s Lawsuit

Donald Trump issued a tweet cheering on the defamation lawsuit a Kentucky high school student filed against The Washington Post for the paper’s coverage of his encounter with a Native American activist last month.

Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann, 16, is suing the Washington Post for defamation. He claims the newspaper falsely accused him of racist acts and instigating a face-off with a Native American activist in the January incident.

Trump gave Sandmann his backing on Wednesday morning after watching a segment on the lawsuit, and other inaccurate media stories, on “Fox & Friends.”

The president quoted Sandmann’s suit and said, “Go get them Nick. Fake News!”

In another tweet, Trump, who routinely harangues the Post and other news outlets he believes are biased, predicted the end of the media as an industry in a half-decade.

Trump often calls news outlets with which he has disputes “fake news” and the “enemy of the people” when he’s particularly outraged.

The Washington Post is a favorite target of Trump’s. The billionaire president has a beef with the paper’s owner, Bezos, who happens to be significantly wealthier than him.

Tweeting on Wednesday morning Trump said, “The Press has never been more dishonest than it is today. Stories are written that have absolutely no basis in fact. The writers don’t even call asking for verification. They are totally out of control. Sadly, I kept many of them in business. In six years, they all go BUST!”

Twitter had some thoughts: