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Trump Kicks American Reporters Out of His Dinner So They Won’t Ask Questions About Michael Cohen

A bunch of American reporters were barred from covering a dinner between Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during their second summit in Vietnam.

The White House at first was not going to allow any U.S. print reporters into the room due to sensitivities over shouted questions at prior meetings, according to the print pool reporter in Hanoi. But after photographers joined their print colleagues in protest, the White House allowed one print reporter into the room.

That meant reporters from the three major wire services were not allowed in to cover the dinner.

“Due to the sensitive nature of the meetings we have limited the pool for the dinner to a smaller group, but ensured that representation of photographers, TV, radio and print poolers are all in the room,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement explaining the decision.

“We are continuing to negotiate aspects of this historic summit and will always work to make sure the U.S. media has as much access as possible,” she added.

Trump did not appear to be bothered by the presence of journalists inside the dinner, telling photographers to “make us look very good” and even asking them to share their photos so he could send them to Kim.

The North Korean strongman, however, did appear irked by some of the questions shouted at the start of his one-on-one meeting with Trump, flashing a grin as they were escorted out of the room.

The summit thus far has been marked by press-access disputes. The White House press corps was ejected from their workspace at the hotel where Kim was staying after his arrival on Tuesday.