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White House Says Pence Was Greeted With Applause After Mentioning Trump in a Speech — He Wasn’t

Over the weekend social media went crazy over a video of Mike Pence speaking in Germany and when he mentioned Donald Trump…the room went completely quiet.


The White House has posted the remarks [1] made by Pence last Friday at the Munich Security Conference, but there’s a glaring and rather pathetic error.

In the beginning of his address, Pence said it was his “great honor” to speak “on behalf of a champion of freedom and a champion of a strong national defense, the 45th president of the United States, President Donald Trump.”

In the transcript, it says this was followed by “(Applause).” In reality, it was followed by (Silence).

As video from the event shows, Pence expected to be met with some sort of a reaction, as he paused, awkwardly, before moving on.

The White House hasn’t said why it inserted this fabrication, or why they didn’t go with something more exciting, like (Audience starts chanting, “USA! USA! USA!” while twirling star-spangled rally towels) or (German Chancellor Angela Merkel dons a MAGA cap, initiates The Wave).

Pence’s press secretary also spoke out and claimed there was applause.

Alyssa Farah spoke out on Twitter, responding to a tweet from MSNBC’s Katy Tur remarking about the awkward silence, and tweeted, “This just isn’t true. He received numerous applauses throughout the speech – particularly when he reaffirmed the US’s commitment to NATO. He also held numerous bilats w/ heads of state as well as the NATO Sec Gen. It was clear to all where the US stands.”