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Watch Trump Go Full Dictator at Easter Egg Roll: ‘Nobody Disobeys My Orders’

Donald Trump on Monday insisted that no one in his administration disobeys his orders — despite the fact that multiple aides testified under oath that they routinely disobeyed or ignored his commands.

Because often his orders were illegal.

When asked by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about documented instances in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report in which the president’s own officials did not carry out his directives, Trump simply replied, “Nobody disobeys my orders.” Trump was participating in the annual White House Easter egg roll.

However, former White House counsel Don McGahn told Mueller that he refused to comply with the president’s order to terminate special counsel Mueller — and then refused his order to retract his testimony saying he’d been ordered to fire Mueller.

Additionally, longtime Trump ally Corey Lewandowski admitted that he did not carry out the president’s plan to tell former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to un-recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller probe, and former FBI Director James Comey told Mueller that he refused the president’s request to end the FBI’s investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.


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