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Trump Just Received the Worst News Ever About His July 4th Event — Two Hours Before It Begins

Thus far, Donald Trump’s “Salute to America” has been a disorganized mess.

On Thursday afternoon, Shomari Stone of NBC 4 News reported that the National Park Service is forecasting “heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds” that could delay or even cancel Trump’s grand fireworks finale for his Fourth of July National Mall celebration:

It is absolutely pouring in DC right now, and people look miserable:

Any visitors hoping to grab a closer look at the tanks and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington today will likely be disappointed, as Trump’s “Salute to America” has apparently cut off the area of the speech from the general public.

Reporters posted the pictures of the fencing Thursday afternoon.

The fencing extends into the famous Reflecting Pool with a line of fences apparently dropped into the pool to divide one side from the other. According to CNN’s Jim Acosta, the area behind the fencing will only be accessible for VIPs and ticketed guests to Trump’s address. on the National Mall.