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Trump Tweets That He Should be President for Life Because He’s So ‘Good Looking and Smart’

Donald Trump apparently likes to toy with the Constitution.

In a tweetstorm Thursday morning, Trump spun from touting that day’s White House social media summit to providing some nicknames for 2020 Democrats.

But in between, he made at least his sixth joke about staying in office for a few extra years.

And he also mentioned his extremely good looks.


The White House is hosting a summit of pro-Trump social media influencers, and according to Trump, a “big subject” will be the “tremendous dishonesty, bias and suppression” by certain social media platforms.

Representatives from Facebook and Google have notably not been invited to participate, however.

The president then went on to joke about how he will stay in office for more than the two terms allowed by law, saying, “When I ultimately leave office in six………years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding)” before claiming how “Fake News” will go out of business for “lack of credibility, or approval, from the public.” Not clear how his leaving office will lead to the media business officially dying, but that’s the president’s take.

After some predictable dings on Democratic candidate Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, Trump appeared to have some braggadocious fun by referring to himself in the third person as “so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!”

Trump tweeted:

In March of last year, Trump tossed around the idea of being “president for life [5]” after praising China’s President Xi Jinping for granting that same term extension to himself.

He brought up the subject again this April [6] at a White House event, specifically using the same “10 or 14 years” to describe his potential time left in office.

In May, Trump retweeted Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr.’s suggestion that he’s owed “2 yrs added to his 1st term” due to distractions caused by the Mueller investigation.

Last month, Trump tweeted again [7] to ask if the “people would demand I stay longer.”

And a few weeks later, Trump retweeted an absurd meme video showing him running for reelection forever, proving that Trump’s oath to uphold the Constitution was just a joke.