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Trump Ordered the Illegal Removal of Braille Because ‘No Blind People Are Going to Live in Trump Tower’

According to The New York Daily News [1], Donald Trump once tried to veto the use of Braille in the elevators of Trump Tower, and was unaware—and unmoved—by the fact that it was required by federal law.

When an architect informed him the Braille was, in fact, mandatory, Trump reportedly responded “Get rid of the (expletive) Braille. No blind people are going to live in Trump Tower. Just do it,” before calling the architect weak.

Barbara Res, the author of the piece, was vice president in charge of construction at the Trump Organization. She noted that Trump may not have actually been campaigning against Braille: “I had seen him do this kind of thing before and would again,” she wrote. “He would say whatever came into his head. Ordering an underling to do something that was impossible gave Trump the opportunity to castigate a subordinate and also blame him for anything that ‘went wrong’ in connection with the unperformed order later. A Trump-style win-win.”

Res used the anecdote about the architect to slam the New York Times’ infamous anonymous op-ed writer, arguing that if she and the architect could stand up to Trump, they should, too—especially when the consequences are far more dire. “The self-aggrandizing Anonymous wants the world to know that there are adults in the room,” she wrote. “Really? What the hell are they doing?”

Res, who worked for The Trump Organization from 1978 to 1996, said she learned not to always follow Trump’s orders.

“Some of them you follow, some of them you don’t follow, and you just prepare to take what comes, if anything comes. And the others you fight.”

She said it was possible to convince Trump not to do what he was ordering her to do, but he would resent it and punish her later.

“When you win with him, you always pay some way,” she said.

“He was always saying to fire somebody, or to write this letter to the contractor and tell him this,” Res said, but she said she regarded these seeming orders as just Trump “blowing off steam,” and she wouldn’t follow them.

Res also said Trump expected people to lie for him. She said Trump “is really not all that different now, but the stakes are higher. And there aren’t many order refusers anymore either. Off the record, staffers tell reporters that Trump is out of control.”

She called the attitude of following or appearing to follow Trump’s inane orders “just do its.” Unfortunately, the “just do its” Trump demands as president are getting done.

“And they are not directed at carpenters and painters or fan magazines. Now they’re about alienating allies, cozying up to dictators and employing dangerous nonsensical economic tactics.”