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Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Claims Trump is a ‘Miracle of God’ and is ‘Captivated by Jesus’

One of Donald Trump’s spiritual advisers, evangelist James Robison, said he believes the positive things happening in the United States, such as the strong economy and low unemployment, are the result of prayer, specifically prayer for the president and his administration.

Robison added that prayer has protected Trump from his enemies and with prayer God will use Trump to usher in “the greatest spiritual awakening in history.”

Pastor Robison is the founder of LIFE Outreach International and he co-hosts the LIFE TODAY television program with his wife, Betty.

According to Right Wing Watch [1], during his Sept. 16 broadcast, Pastor Robison discussed how he first met Trump and was invited to pray for him and join the group of men and women who provide the president with spiritual advice.

“This man [Trump] is captivated by the Jesus he sees in some Christians, including leaders,” said Robison. “He sees Jesus, it gets his attention.He never made a claim to be a godly person, a church person, or even a religious person, and we all cringe at the past life that he lived. It breaks our heart. It was simply not right.”

“I pray for all our presidents,” said Robison. “Some of them have asked me to pray with them. This one asked me to pray with him, travel with him. He asked us to surround him with prayer, pray for him to be surrounded with wisdom, tell him about people who are wise. I think that’s an answer to prayer.”

“I believe that every positive thing that’s happening … every great and positive thing that is happening today is happening as an answer to prayers of committed, sold-out people God often refers to as The Remnant,” said Pastor Robison.

He continued, “I believe the positive things that are happening are an answer to prayer, and I believe the willingness of this man to stand up against all the assault and keep trying to do what he believes is best is a miracle of God.”

“And I believe if we keep praying, God will hear and He will have people sitting in front of the president who will so speak the truth with conviction, convincingly and with wisdom, and I believe He will respond, if we pray,” said the pastor.

“I think we can witness the greatest spiritual awakening in history,” he added, “and one of the least likely people, many of you would say, will be used by God to accomplish God’s will for the blessing and benefit of this nation.”