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Watch Jeanine Pirro Get Called Out on Live TV for Being Racist and Anti-Immigrant

FOX’s Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared on C-SPAN recently and things took an interesting turn when a had a few honest things to say to her…on live TV.

The caller did not mince words, calling out Pirro, Fox News, and Donald Trump for their xenophobic rhetoric and its deadly ramifications in a rant that was as eloquent as it was blistering.

“Our president and our beautiful First Lady, they went down to El Paso, Texas and they posed with a baby that the President’s rhetoric, FOX News’ rhetoric, your rhetoric had helped to orphan.”

“I think this thing about Trump is making America great again? Trump has made America hate again.”

He went on to point out the way that xenophobia results in violence and the death of Americans, citing the El Paso shooting that claimed 22 lives in September as an example.

“And it’s this hatred of races. I hear it all the time when I talk to Republicans and they say ‘oh I went down to Texas and there were all these Mexicans down there and they were all speaking Spanish. Well I got news for you: Those weren’t Mexicans, those were the Americans. That guy that went down to El Paso to shoot a bunch of Mexicans he shot a bunch of Americans.”

He called out Pirro directly saying that as a former judge, she should know better than to engage in “anti-immigrant, anti-people with brown skin rhetoric” which he called “demeaning.”

“And I’m really tired of this anti-immigrant, anti-people with brown skin rhetoric that’s coming out of Fox News, coming out of people like you, and coming out of our president. It’s demeaning, it’s beneath the office, it’s beneath you. You used to be a judge, you know better. It’s time that that stopped.”

Pirro responded angrily, saying:

“Look, you know what, I refuse to accept your recitation of the facts. You are dead wrong. The problem in this country is not the color of anyone, and don’t you dare accuse me of any kind of issue related to color.”

Pirro defended her record on race as a litigator, calling the caller’s comments “political hogwash” but completely failed to defend her anti-immigrant rhetoric, thereby dodging the caller’s entire criticism with typical bluster.

It’s worth noting that Pirro was temporarily suspended by Fox News earlier this year for comments she made about Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, questioning her loyalty to America, and has also promoted conspiracy theories that immigrants are nefariously seeking to “replace” Americans—theories also held by people like the El Paso shooter.