Politics - News Analysis

People Think the Trumps Are Redoing Tennis Courts In Order to Get Rid of Obama’s Basketball Court

Oh, is someone being impeached??

On Tuesday first lady Melania Trump ignored Capitol Hill and calls of impeachment and stuck to her own agenda, announcing the construction of a new tennis pavilion on the White House grounds.

“It is my hope that this private space will function as a place to gather and spend leisure time for First Families,” Trump said in a statement.

The new pavilion is being funded by private donations, the White House said, though no details about the construction’s cost were available.

In a tweet, the first lady shared a photo that showed her, wearing her trademark stiletto heels, breaking ground by the old White House tennis court.

According to CNN, while there has been no previous news of the new pavilion from the White House, nor of its projected existence, in June the National Park Service, which operates the 18-acre grounds of the White House, submitted a proposal about the structure and its construction to the National Capital Planning Commission.

The building proposal states the pavilion will “provide a unifying element for the tennis court, the Children’s Garden and the Kitchen Garden,” according to CNN. The Children’s Garden was installed in 1968 by former first lady Lady Bird Johnson, while the Kitchen Garden was created in 2009 by then-first lady Michelle Obama.

But people seem to think there is an ulterior motive afoot.

Former President Barack Obama had converted the tennis court to a basketball court…by painting basketball court lines and adding a hoop.

However, there is no plan to remove the basketball court.

The proposal described a two-phase plan. According to the proposal, the first phase will “replace a small building that currently houses a restroom and a storage space on the White House grounds just southwest of the White House itself.” The second phase will involve replacing a maintenance building dubbed “The Pony Shed,” which is used by National Park Service workers.

Prior to the Trumps moving into the White House, Obama offered to leave the jungle gym he had erected in 2009 for his two young daughters. Trump declined, and the Obamas donated the jungle gym and swing set to a local organization for those in need.


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