Politics - News Analysis

Pro-Trump Evangelist Says Rep. Elijah Cummings is Dead Because He Opposed Trump

Right-wing commentator and conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald, who said last month on his “The MC Files” show that God would punish Democrats for trying to impeach Donald Trump, now says opposition to Trump is why God took the life of Rep. Elijah Cummings.

Cummings, the 68-year-old chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, was one of the most powerful Democrats in the country and a long-time hero to many progressives. He died this morning from health complications that he had been struggling with for years.

According to Right Wing Watch, McDonald had no need to eulogize a voice of reason. Instead, he talked about how Cummings’ death was just God making His presence known.

“We know the Bible,” McDonald said. “You’ve got a leader that has been in office for over 30 years, that opened the door on unfettered abortion in this country. His civil rights icon status was a joke because he did nothing to bring rights to his people; all he did was divide, all he did was play the race card.”

McDonald said that Cummings was a corrupt and lawless leader who waged “a cooked, deceptive, demonic attempt” to take down Trump.
“Everything that he’s done has been nothing but trying to take this president out,” he said. “I believe that God had had enough, and God moved.”

Because we all know how much God loves His ignorant thrice-married pussy-grabbing corrupt lying criminals…

The irony, of course, is that Cummings constantly talked about how his faith inspired his work. Trump only uses faith as a tool for pandering, knowing that his followers are too gullible to know the difference between lip service and genuine belief.



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