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Trump Just Claimed, AGAIN, That You Need an ID to Buy Groceries at the Store

At his hate rally on Friday night, Donald Trump once again said that Americans need identification to buy groceries, which is obviously not true.

“You know, if you want to go out and buy groceries, you need identification. If you want to do almost anything you need identification. The only thing you don’t need identification for is to vote, the most important single thing you’re doing — to vote,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Trump added: “You know why? Because they cheat like hell, that’s why.” Voter fraud is exceedingly rare, and there is no evidence of mass cheating by Democrats.

Trump said he would’ve won all 50 states had there been no voter fraud, and as a Californian, I can tell you that is definitely NOT TRUE.

Friday wasn’t the first time that Trump claimed Americans need identification for their grocery purchases. He said the same at a Florida rally in July 2018.

The day after the Florida rally, his then-press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, told reporters that Trump was referring to purchases of “beer or wine.” But three months after that, Trump told the conservative Daily Caller that ID is required “if you buy, you know, a box of cereal.”

Grocery stores require identification for alcohol and tobacco purchases (for proof that customers are of legal age), purchases of certain medications, and when customers are paying by check. Costco, the membership chain, requires identification to become a member. And shoppers at other stores might occasionally be asked for identification when paying by credit card.

But these are exceptions, not the rule. Millions of Americans buy groceries every day without being asked for any ID.