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Melania Trump’s Private Photos Uncovered and They Reveal Who the First Lady Truly Is

I write about Melania Trump a lot, as anyone who regularly reads this site knows.

I think she is a terrible First Lady, with many unanswered questions from her past that wouldn’t be allowed to go unanswered if she was a Democrat.

Melania is a bit of a mystery, she doesn’t talk much and her interviews don’t reveal much information about the notoriously private woman.

So I decided to do a deep dive into her social media to figure out who this woman is.

In between June 3, 2012 and November 2016, she tweeted almost 500 photos which she appeared to have taken herself.

Melania posted five photographs of Trump with their son. She took each photo from behind the two, sometimes literally from the backseat. Boys in front, girls in the back, the same arrangement we were all so appalled to see on inauguration day, is her norm. She lives in the background.

But I will admit, some of these are very sweet. It’s actually NICE to see Trump act normally like a father.

If Melania sees her family from behind, she sees the rest of the world from above. She posted 74 photographs of the view from her home in Trump Tower. She stays at home a lot, or what seems like a lot for someone with a billion dollars and a private jet, anyway, enough to capture the same view, over and over again, at different times of day and weather, ad nauseam.

It doesn’t really seem like Melania ever left Trump Tower before she moved to the White House. She went to Washington D.C. and Barcelona, but she saw those places from cars. And quite a few photos from Mar-a-Lago.

Melania only posted one photograph of her and Barron together. It was also the only occasion when she posted a photograph of his whole face, but she disguised him the same way she disguised herself, in the little boy-version of her big sunglassesβ€Šβ€”β€Šski goggles.

Then there are these photos, of Melania and Donald traveling to Washington DC in early 2015:

Then there are photos of Melania where she shows off her body. Now look, she has a great body and has every right to show it off…it’s her body.

But imagine if Michelle Obama had photos like this, would the GOP go easy on her?

It also appears the Trumps have been kissing up to evangelicals for a while:

Now, let’s take a look at some photos that really stuck out for me…

Throughout her feed there are many patriotic shots, which is good.

Although there is more to patriotism that red, white and blue sunglasses:

Melania started appearing on Fox & Friends back in 2012:

At least back in 2012, she seemed to really love her husband??

LOL what is this:

Her favorite toy…her personal helicopter. Must be nice.


Would it surprise you to know Melania once went as a sexy firefighter for Halloween?

God I hate this man:


So who is Melania Trump?

From her social media, it appears she’s a woman in hiding. She needs to hide so badly that she doesn’t care about anything else. Not her country, not how bad she looks, not the money it costs us. She has no shame because, for her, hiding is shameless. It is safe.

She lives behind glass, in cars, in her house, on private planes and private resorts. She doesn’t even get out of the car to see landmarks or walk in the park. She is never among the public, not for a second.

Melania Trump is the woman least fit for public service in the entirety of the United States of America. We should expect nothing from her. She’s living inside a dark fairytale, and in fairytales the women trapped in towers never save anyone but themselves.