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Trump Requires Exactly 2 1/2 Containers of White Tic-Tacs in his Bedside Table at all Times

It’s no secret Donald Trump is one weird dude who has some peculiar habits.

Several undocumented workers who spoke to The Washington Post [1] about their time employed by the Trump organization’s properties in Florida, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia, provided a closer look at some of his stranger practices, to which they attended.

For starters, he reportedly needed two full containers of white Tic Tacs in his bedroom bureau at all times, along with — for some reason — a container that was half full.

And apparently, the same rule followed for his orange makeup. The makeup is from Bronx Colors, a brand of face makeup from Switzerland that Trump slathered on — and he required two full containers, one half full — even if it meant the housekeepers had to regularly bring new shirts from the pro shop because of the rust-colored stains on the collars.

I actually checked out the makeup company’s website [2] and it appears Trump is wearing medium-beige.

His meals were also particular and reportedly included well-done cheeseburgers accompanied by small glass bottles filled with Diet Coke and a plastic straw. Most importantly, no one could be seen touching the straw.

There is also this interesting tidbit: A special washing machine in the laundry room at Bedminister was reserved for his wife Melania Trump’s clothing.

The president has a stingy side to him, as well, apparently. He reportedly used Irish Spring bar soap in his shower, but the housekeepers soon learned not to throw it away even if it had been worn down to next to nothing.

If Trump wanted something thrown out, he’d reportedly let people know by throwing things on the floor. Even the discarded items would sometimes come with rules — in 2013, for example, Trump’s father-in-law, Viktor Knavs once reportedly picked up (in what turned out to be a bit of foreshadowing) a red baseball cap that Trump had cast aside, but when Trump saw him wearing it on his golf course, he got angry and kicked Knavs off the course.

Read the full article HERE [1].