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Biggest Whiny President Ever Brags About Pushing ‘Snowflakes’ Around

The man who tweets several times a day complaining about how he is treated worse than any president, even those gunned down in office. is bragging again about owning the “snowflake” libs.

This is just so stupid that it must be performance art. It should hang in the Smithsonian one day, within the “Making America Gag Again” wing.

Anyone else notice that the rig doesn’t appear set-up to push anything aside? Seems to me that the shovel would only push snowflakes forward, nothing aside.

Like all good art, there is layered meaning, themes not apparent at first glance. Yes, the good shovel Trump says one thing – pushing aside, while doing the opposite, just making a bigger, stronger pile. These giant piles of snow get cornered in some parking lot, where it still sits in mid May. Fitting, Trump’s tweets pile up and never seem to melt away.

I probably say this once a week, but it’s worth it.

Just sit back and imagine this:

“It is a shame that I get treated worse than any president in history. No president has ever accomplished as much as me! “

Barack Obama

“It is a disgrace that the Republicans will do anything to Destroy ME. The USA is respected all over the World again because of ME, without help from the shameful Reptile RepubliCONs!”

Hillary Clinton

“If the media ever reported the FACTS, I would be at 80% approval rating. Instead, they report FAKE NEWS and I NEVER get credit for making America solvent again!” #MASA!

Elizabeth Warren

“I won an electoral college landslide, no president has ever won by 20 electoral votes EVER before, but the FAKE NEWS made it sound close because they know I am going to Make America Good Enough Again!”

Joe Biden

Fox News studios would explode in outrage at the weak and whiny president who has to complain about everything and doesn’t respect that America is great because we respect each citizen no matter or differences.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom

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