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In Just ONE Tweet, Adam Schiff Completely Destroys Trump’s Defense Argument

Adam Schiff is watching the impeachment defense so we do not have to. As we have come to expect, Schiff is emerging as a courageous hero, one who can tear apart the Trump defense in a single tweet:

– The facts cannot be contested, there is too much evidence, and Republican Senators know it. This is the reason that they attempt to convince people that there was nothing wrong with what Trump did. The last thing they’ll talk about are the facts.

–  Deflect and distract. “Where’s Hunter?” “Schifty Schiff hid all the evidence in a basement.” “Democrats hate this president and are trying to undue the election …”  (The real Republican defense message: “STAY UNIFIED, just ignore the House case, act as if all this is TOTALLY NORMAL and Trump can get away with ANY crime. We might get rich, too.”)

Don’t you dare consider asking for testimony or documents. You know damn well that any testimony will open a rabbit hole the likes of which you have never seen. You know full fcking well that Trump has so corrupted himself with mobbed-up oligarchs and trading money that IF we EVER opened up witnesses and documents, we ALL will go down. It will be the END of the Republican party, and YOUR career.


In a real criminal trial the prosecutor’s get to respond – because they have the burden of proof. It sucks that Schiff doesn’t get a chance to walk into the Senate and rebut all their bullshit.

BUT, unlike a regular trial, Schiff can make his rebuttal argument on Twitter (indeed in one tweet), and through TV interviews, such that each Republican, and each citizen will hear.

This is not going to result in removal. Republicans are too far gone in their Trump corruption. But history will record who was on the right side, with the right arguments.

Oh, and that evidence that Democrats keep asking for? It is coming out, guaranteed.

Probably not in time for removal through impeachment. But damning evidence so explosive that it can destroy a presidency has a way of surfacing, always. It is coming, and Schiff knows it.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter@MiciakZoom