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Internet Speculates Whether Trump is Wearing a Brace After Photo Shows Him Standing Oddly

If you have spent much time on the internet recently, you know that questions have been swirling about Donald Trump’s current health status.

But something about his behavior on Monday night, where we watched Trump walked into a giant stadium, made people ask more questions.

At the beginning of the game, Trump and wife Melania walked out to the field for the national anthem, and Trump had a very strange gait. Watchers noticed that Trump seemed to swing his right leg around which is much different than his normal gait.

Another still photo seemed to show something wrong with Trump’s right foot leg, take a look:

This isn’t the first time Trump’s gait has alarmed people.

Take a look at Trump walking a few days ago:

While I’m not a doctor and no one can determine what might be wrong with Trump without personally giving him a medical exam, Twitter was quick to speculate what is going on: