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Trump Spotted Wearing Crampons in Switzerland So He Wouldn’t Fall on His Obese Butt

Ok, so this isn’t the most serious or newsworthy post.

But if you don’t laugh sometimes…you cry.

So yes, I am going to write about the fact that our obese president was spotted wearing crampons at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. Heck, if the right can pound former President Barack Obama for wearing a tan suit, I can mock Trump’s crampons.

The WEF is all about sustainability, so they hand out crampons to participants to encourage them to walk on the icy streets rather than use cars.

I am actually incredibly surprised that Trump wore them.

And let’s be real…Trump doesn’t give a crap about the environment. He was wearing those crampons so his fat behind wouldn’t trip on the ice.

Let’s take a look:

Here’s another photo from the White House Flickr page [3] where you can see the crampons. Note that the fir and in-shape Secret Service agents don’t need them.

Twitter zoomed in and spotted the anti-skid attachments on Trump’s shoes: