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Trump Tweets the Most Ridiculous Doctored Photo of Obama and People are Worried

On Thursday night the President of the United States tweeted a doctored photograph of the former president spying on him at his home in New York City.

And you know what, it’s not news, no one is writing about it or talking about it, and no news organizations have even written about it.

Why? Because the country knows Trump is crazy, and apparently that just isn’t newsworthy anymore.


The current president* is accusing the former president of spying on him. That has been debunked. The psycho-in-chief just won’t stop tweeting fake news to his supporters.

The fact that I am writing about this will result in email from conservatives saying that I’m a snowflake…that is where we are right now in this country.

But folks, this is serious…and I am not alone.

Just take a look: