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Judge HAMMERS Roger Stone’s Argument that Target Didn’t Feel “Threatened” by Stone Text

In a past life, before I got my dream job writing, I had made a lot of arguments before judges as an attorney, lots. One thing any good attorney learns very early is to never, ever, try to get cute and believe you can jedi-mind trick the judge into believing bullshit.

To the extent your client did stupid things, you address them and acknowledge the stupidity. Because otherwise, the judge won’t trust a thing you say afterward. You then spend most of the time highlighting whatever good things you have.

I am sure Roger Stone had a high priced attorney defending him in his sentencing (one that lost the trial), but that attorney failed to adhere to one of my simple rules, and indeed, did try to trick the judge into believing something unbelievable.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Thursday shredded an argument from Roger Stone attorney Seth Ginsberg, who claimed that comedian Randy Credico didn’t really feel threatened when his client sent him text messages such as, “Prepare to die, c*cksucker!”

Right, I mean, who doesn’t get texts like that all the time? This is a classic example of attempting to twist reality, and having it not work.

Specifically, Jackson pointed out that Credico testified that he did not live at home after receiving Stone’s threats and would wear a disguise out of fear of being attacked by Stone’s allies.

People generally don’t wear disguises unless they … well, don’t want to be noticed anywhere. The fact that the guy wore disguises sort of establishes the reality that he felt quite threatened, to say nothing of choosing to not live in his own home.

Stone’s sentence will come down any minute and we’ll cover it here. The other thing that will come down any minute is Stone’s pardon, which I’m assured will happen, having read statements attributed to White House insiders all morning. It is not a question of “if,” but a question of “when.” If we know anything about Trump, it’ll be sooner rather than later.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom