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Melania Trump Thinks Nancy Pelosi is ‘Horrible’ for Ripping Up State of Union Speech

President Donald Trump revealed first lady Melania Trump disapproved when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up his State of the Union address earlier this month.

“My wife was sitting here and watched it, and she said ‘Oh, my, that was horrible,’” Trump said.

Trump had words of his own for Pelosi during the same interview.

“She is a person that started on impeachment and lost,” Trump told Geraldo Rivera. “So, she goes down as a loser, which she is.”

Pelosi later explained that tearing up the speech was the right thing to do.

“He shredded the truth, so I shredded his speech,” Pelosi told House Democrats, according to Politico. “What we heard last night was a disgrace.”

Pelosi added that it was the “courteous” thing to do to a “dirty” speech.

Melania Trump, at one point, participated in the State of the Union when she awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to conservative radio shock-jock Rush Limbaugh.

And this is how we envision Pelosi responding to the news that Melania thinks she’s “horrible:”