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Trump and Wife Melania Bail on NASCAR Race Before it Even Begins…LMAO

Donald Trump likes to act like he’s a fan of NASCAR and would love nothing more than to sit and watch the race all day with a bunch of hillbillies while chugging Busch beer.

But let’s be honest folks. Trump is a New Yorker who was a Democrat until he realized that Republicans were dumb enough to elect him president.

And he proved that today while attending the Daytona 500 in Florida, when he hightailed it out of there before the race even began.

According to reporter Jon Alba, Trump bailed on the festivities before they ever began:

From Raw Story [4]:

Trump has courted NASCAR fans since the early days of his campaign, but their short memories may have forgotten about the promise Trump made for a new NASCAR track.

“In March 1999, plans were announced to build just that track, which would have cost $400 million and would have seated 300,000 stock-car fans, even more than the Indianapolis Motor Speedway,” wrote Forbes. “It was to be a joint effort by NASCAR’s France family, then led by Bill France Jr., and Trump, then a New York real-estate mogul.”

The track was going to be called the Trump Super Speedway. It never manifested.

Twitter had some thoughts: