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Destroying Democracy: Trump Preparing Argument that Any Loss MUST Be RIGGED

Trump has imperiled democracy in so many ways that it will take entire treatises to cover the history, indeed treatises will be written about this time period, provided the censors will still allow books hostile to the emperor into the future. But the most important chapter in such a treatise will focus upon Trump degrading the trust in the American vote.

In 2016, back when Trump believed he would lose the election, he told supporters that the only possible way he could lose is if the election were to be rigged against him. The fact that the nation swore him in as president despite the fact that he lost by three million votes and won the electoral college by the slightest of margins across three critical states (70,000 votes total over three states put him in office) should have shut Trump up forever about elections being rigged  against him. 

Trump should be forever silenced that there exists a conspiracy to rig elections to keep him out of office.

But he won’t be silenced.

Trump will be Trump, and fck America’s 24o years of imperfect but well-intentioned democracy, where at least all agreed on the vote. This is Trump we’re talking about and he’s more important than any one country, or any one world, at least in his mind. Thus it is that Trump is already sounding the alarm among his cult, that if he loses, it will be due to a rigged election.

They are already claiming “voter fraud” will be a thing

“We’ve got a guy that’s committed to this, who is able to short-circuit media attention on stuff,” said Trump campaign senior counsel Justin Clark last November to a meeting of the Republican National Lawyers Association in Madison, Wisconsin. “Let’s start playing offense a little bit. That’s what you’re going to see in 2020. It’s going to be a much bigger program, a much more aggressive program, a much better-funded program.”

Start playing offense means attacking the vote, claiming voter fraud even prior to the vote.

Now be afraid:

“The ‘program’ relies on Trump’s talent for ‘raising the profile of issues that come up,’ as Clark put it,” she continued. “If lawyerly euphemism is not your native tongue, here’s a translation: Trump will foment hysteria about voter fraud — ‘the issues that come up’ — to justify GOP suppression tactics, AKA the ‘program,’”

They have a name for GOP suppression tactics, “the program.” That is beyond the hysteria about “voter fraud” that Trump will scream about.

It does nothing but ensure that no one has faith in the election, which is the bedrock of democracy. It took Donald Trump to destroy that faith in the vote, a man so consumed with himself that he will take the nation down with him should he lose.

We are promised: “It is only going to get worse.”

Indeed it is.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom