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Trump in a FURY that Top CDC Official Issued Warning Over Dangers of Coronavirus

One need only cover Trump for a week or two, or simply watch the news, to deeply appreciate the truth that everything, literally everything, is about him. This self-obsession was infuriating back when it was just our nation’s policies at stake. But now lives are at stake, mine, yours, our kids and grandkids, threatened by a global pandemic, and while some departments are doing their jobs with the utmost professionalism, attempting to protect those lives, Trump is furious when they don’t adhere to the “all about him” rule.

Even a disease that could sweep the globe and kill millions is still about him, right Rawstory? [1]

President Donald Trump is “furious” the DOW plunged nearly 2000 points during the past two days over coronavirus [2] fears, wiping out all of 2020’s gains as the November reelection approaches. The President watched the markets from India, and grew even more “unhappy” with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar after a top CDC official warned the coronavirus would spread across the country.

Imagine that. Furious that the CDC will tell the American people the truth, thus prepare them and the system? If the system is not ready, then the people aren’t ready, and more will suffer and die. If the people think that the whole thing is media overblown in order to hurt Trump – as Limbaugh said yesterday – then more people will ignore the CDC recommendations and spread the disease.

“White House officials’ efforts to contain the economic fallout from the coronavirus have created new political hazards, as they publicly downplay the threat while other federal officials with a background in health and diseases are warning of more severe consequences for inaction,” the Washington Post reports [3]. “The administration also risks creating new health hazards, should the pressure to assure investors of economic stability undercut its public health message about the mounting threat.”

Imagine that, the Washington Post tracking what we’ve been saying for weeks.

Let’s talk about economic stability. I have no experience or education in economics. But I am an educated adult. How much brainpower does it take to note that the overall economic health, just like public health, depends upon real information? Big business infrastructure needs real information in order to make preparations and price in factors now, as well as start making efforts to absorb some blows now. All of this needs to be done to ensure that the economy makes it through without disastrous hazards … in other words, just like public health, economic health depends upon real information getting out to real professionals to make real preparation.

Does Trump not know that the market drop over the last two days might well be a reflection of the market reacting to the lack of information and lack of faith in Trump to be open and out front about the risks?

Nope. He does not, because here is the CDC’s statement contrasted with the White House in all its glory. Trump is pissing all over your intelligence, dignity and public safety.

Despite the CDC’s Nancy Messonnier alerting Americans today [4] that it’s “not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses,” Trump White House spokesman Judd Deere said that “what we are seeing today is a political effort by the Left and some in the media to distract and disturb the American people with fearful rhetoric and palace intrigue.”

Fearful “rhetoric” and “palace intrigue.”

It is not rhetoric to report conditions and make sure the response is appropriate. And if the White House ever worried about “palace intrigue” this is the first we’ve heard of it. They promote palace intrigue and fearful rhetoric as tools, except now, when they believe it might hurt Trump’s chances of being reelected. It is always deflection with them.

Always remember, he couldn’t care less – “couldn’t care less” is an old cliché, but in this case we need to take the literal meaning – he couldn’t care less about your health and safety. It is all about him.

Now, let’s prepare ourselves, no one else will.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom