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Trump Is Still JEALOUS and ANGRY that a DOG Got a Medal but Not HIM

Nicole and Andrea have already done a fantastic job covering yesterday’s rally and there is little need to cover anything else from the rally. But we’re talking dogs now, and to me, that’s a very serious subject that does need to be addressed.

Dogs are the best creatures on earth. Dogs have all of humanity’s gifts and yet none of our sins, except gluttony, but what’re they gonna do? And as much as I love dogs, Trump hates them, which is a significant reason in and of itself to not trust or like Trump.

Like anything Trump doesn’t like, Trump is jealous now, of a dog. From the Guardian: [1]

Having falsely accused Democrats of attempting through impeachment to “poison our democracy and overthrow our entire system of government”, Mr Trump moved onto Conan, the military dog [2] who was wounded during the Navy SEAL raid which killed Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“Remember the dog, great dog, Conan,” Mr Trump said while complaining about what he perceives as unfair media coverage. “When we took out – right? We love Conan. Conan’s a tough dog. But when we took out Al-Baghdadi, Conan, remember this? Conan got more publicity than President Trump. That’s ok.

Okay, please to be fcking off now.

Jesus, this guy. Speaking in third person again, with third grade sentence structure …

He is the damned president of the United States, standing in a damn arena of adoring cultists, and he’s still damned pissed off and aggrieved that he wasn’t … I dunno, given all the credit he deserves for personally flying some badass military jet and personally dropping a fat bomb on Al-Baghdadi’s evil head?

If you listen to Trump, it sure sounds like he wants you to believe he personally risked his own life, and then with his own skill, killed a madman who was shoot at “President Trump” at the same time.

Did Obama stand up and demand praise when the U.S. military (not him) moved in and killed Osama Bin Laden? That call actually did take some bravery on Obama’s part because they were not entirely positive Bin Laden was there. Additionally, they were going into an allied nation in Pakistan. Obama still didn’t ask for praise, he praised the people who pulled it off.

It is the praise that Obama got that Trump now seeks, quite obviously. But I don’t need to even mention that because you understand that the defining feature of Trump’s presidency is attempting to outdo and undo the black guy.

Oh, and I don’t believe for a second that Trump “loves Conan.” If Trump “loved Conan,” he would be insisting that Conan get more praise than him. Like everything else, Trump is using Conan, a beautiful dog with far more dignity than Trump. Conan would trade that medal for a hot dog in a second.


Peace, y’all, Jason – [email protected] and @MiciakZoom