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Trump Just Launched Disgusting Attack Against Black Juror in Roger Stone Case, ‘Totally Biased…Sad to Watch!’

Donald Trump launched an attack on the jury forewoman in the case of his longtime associate Roger Stone on Tuesday, accusing the woman of bias just as a federal judge held a hearing for Stone’s motion for a new trial.

“There has rarely been a juror so tainted as the forewoman in the Roger Stone case. Look at her background. She never revealed her hatred of ‘Trump’ and Stone,” Trump tweeted Tuesday afternoon while on a flight back from India.

“She was totally biased, as is the judge,” Trump wrote, calling the case a “miscarriage of justice” that is “sad to watch.”

By the way, Trump claimed Stone never worked on his campaign. This is a lie.

Oh great, the forewoman of the jury was biased, by which Trump means she is a Democrat, and are Democrats even allowed to serve on juries in Trump’s America? You won’t be shocked to learn that the latest subject of Trump’s outrage, and Fox News’s [2] outrage, the foreperson of the Roger Stone jury, Tomeka Hart, is a black woman, because that’s on brand for Trump and Fox News.

Now, please forget that there are 12 people on a jury, and that all must agree on a verdict before rendering it. (That is what “unanimous” means.) Obviously, this one alleged Trump-hating black lady rigged it against Stone, and by extension Trump. That is just how things work, if you are as much of a misogynist pig racist as Donald Trump is.

Hart did release a statement two weeks ago, which she posted alongside a Washington Post op-ed from November written by one of her fellow jurors, Seth Cousins:

I have kept my silence for months. Initially, it was for my safety. Then, I decided to remain silent out of fear of politicizing the matter.

But I can’t keep quiet any longer.

I want to stand up for Aaron Zelinsky, Adam Jed, Michael Marando, and Jonathan Kravis–the prosecutors on the Roger Stone trial who have all resigned from the case in response to the DOJ’s interference with their sentencing recommendation.

I’m standing up for them now because I was a juror on the case. In fact, I was the foreperson.

I am sharing the November 22, 2019 op-ed of Seth Cousins, another juror–and not just because he said this: “My favorite person on the jury was an African American woman from Tennessee.” ☺️

Seth perfectly articulated my sentiments. I couldn’t have written a better piece–so I share his. I admired his bravery in speaking out so soon after the trial. Read Seth’s piece please.

I wasn’t ready. There had already been attempts at finding out who I was. Threats to expose my identity. For a moment I was afraid.

But I don’t live in fear. It is not my nature to be silent.

As Seth asserts, “We did not convict Stone based on his political beliefs or his expression of those beliefs. We did not convict him of being intemperate or acting boorishly. We convicted him of obstructing a congressional investigation, of lying in five specific ways during his sworn congressional testimony and of tampering with a witness in that investigation.”

The prosecutors who have now resigned did a masterful job of laying out every element of every charge, backed with ample evidence. As foreperson, I made sure we went through every element, of every charge, matching the evidence presented in the case that led us to return a conviction of guilty on all 7 counts.

It pains me to see the DOJ now interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors. They acted with the utmost intelligence, integrity, and respect for our system of justice.

For that, I wanted to speak up for them and ask you to join me in thanking them for their service.

Well damn said, and thank you, Tomeka Hart, for speaking up.

What Hart described is what jurors are supposed to do. They consider all the evidence presented to them, and they all together decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. In this case, it was guilty on all counts. We are sure that in Trump’s addled racist brain, Tomeka Hart personally forced every juror to agree with her using some kind of black lady dark arts, but Occam’s Razor tells us that’s not what happened.

What’s happening here, in true autocratic fashion, is that Trump and his mouth-breathing hordes believe anyone who would express opinions against Trump out loud should not allowed to serve on such a jury in the first place, because in the autocratic kingdom Trump is trying so desperately to create, all citizens would defer to the wishes of Dear Leader, and Dear Leader wishes for his buddy Roger with the weirdly shaped head to be TOTALLY EXONERATED from WITCH HUNT.