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Watch Former FBI Agent Eviscerate Barr: ‘Thinking About Resigning Means You Are ALREADY Compromised’

One of the few good things that the Trump administration has afforded us is the opportunity to become familiar with some real heroes that have graced this country as public servants. Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI special agent for counter-intelligence, is just one of those people.

He is often a guest expert analysist on MSNBC and when he speaks, I listen. When someone that much smarter than me opines on a subject, there is always something to be learned.

Figliuzzi had a fire in his belly today addressing Bill Barr’s “threat” to resign (It wasn’t really a threat to resign, as I’ve written before, it was more a plea to shut Trump’s twitter feed up, by someone who knows better than to tell Trump to shut his twitter feed up).

In essence, Figliuzzi said that Barr has now fully compromised himself in the department. Nicole Wallace (the blogs absolute favorite TV news host) asked Figliuzzi whether a new pardon of Roger Stone near necessitate a resignation from Barr: Transcript by Rawstory: [1]

“I think we’ve already answered this question. It’s rhetorical,” said Figliuzzi. “This has to be run through the Justice Department. Barr had a chance to say no to the pardons. And I don’t think he’s going to do it.”

“I got a good piece of advice one time moving up the career ranks in the FBI,” continued Figliuzzi. “One of my mentors said to me, ‘Frank, if any agent walks in your office and says he’s thinking about resigning, take his badge and wish him well.’ The point being, we’re not in a role that you can simultaneously do while you’re thinking about maybe resigning or retiring. You need to go, and Trump should do the same thing with Barr. If you’re thinking about being the attorney general, and whether you should be in a role, you should go.”

See? And I had not once thought of it that way, and yet now I cannot see how it could be any different.

Watch Figliuzzi light Barr up:

Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom