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Watch FOX NEWS Host Grill WH Spokesman About Why Trump Keeps Tweeting Despite Barr’s Pleas

White House deputy spokesperson Hogan Gidley went into what he presumed to be friendly territory – Fox News – to address reports about a certain “tension” between Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr. By now, the entire countries knows that Barr has expressed “displeasure” about his work environment, having to be the attorney of record in cases, about which, the president of the United States continues to tweet and comment.

It is embarrassing having 2000 of the world’s best prosecutors call upon you to resign and have judicial conferences meet to discuss your issues.

Gidley says it’s all nothing, that the relationship between Barr and Trump is strong.

But then Ed Henry pressed Gidley on reports that Barr was considering resigning. Gidley again said “They have a good working relationship, that Trump expects Attorney General Barr to execute justice in all matters, and Trump knows that Barr’s doing that,”

But Henry continued to press:

“The attorney general between these private signals and the leaks and, more importantly, his public comments last week to ABC News, has said, ‘Look, this is making my job difficult. Don’t tweet about these difficult matters. The president seems to be ignoring that. Why?”

Gidley then said a bunch of words that meant absolutely nothing, something White House spokespeople specialize in.

“We don’t have to wonder what’s going on in private, we’ve seen this play out in public,” 

Because Henry had no idea what that meant, either, he continued to press Gidley:

“What you’re saying is the president’s attorney general has said publicly and privately ‘I don’t want to see these tweets’ and you’re saying the president got the final word and is going to ignore the man he nominated?”

And finally Gidley gave up the goose, and gave Henry the answer we knew to be correct all along. Trump is going to continue to do what Trump wants to do because otherwise he wouldn’t be Trump, that’s why:

“I’m not saying that the president is ignoring the attorney general,” Gidley replied. “What I’m saying, though, is the president has the right to defend himself, just like any other American citizen. He’s done it before and he’ll do it again.”

In essence, Gidley just said; “I am not saying that Trump is ignoring the Attorney General, but he is an American citizen who is ignoring the Attorney General, he has before, and he will again, of course, ignore the Attorney General, of coruse.”

He may as well have said just that. Close enough.

Here is the action:


Peace, y’all


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