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WTF: Trump Says Federal Government May ‘STEP-IN and TAKE CONTROL of LA and SF’

This man’s danger increases by the hour. He is unhinged, insane, and doesn’t understand the structure of government that he inherited, only that he wants it destroyed.

In Bakersfield California Wednesday night, Trump railed against San Francisco and Los Angeles – cities that just happen to be liberal bastions that cannot stand the mother ffff. Trump couldn’t have been LESS presidential or more obvious in his hatred for that part of the United States that doesn’t accept him as the new Jesus:

“Get rid of Pelosi! That’s okay with me!” Trump exclaimed. “Lot of people agree. Look what’s happened to San Francisco. So sad what’s happened, when you see a slum, where it’s a slum. It’s worse than a slum. There’s no slum like that.”

This is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and yet it is obvious that he isn’t interested in that part of the United States, that part he sees as “enemy territory.” We are always told that Trump is “our” president, too – except no, he’s not. He rejects that part of the country that doesn’t support him “enough” in his mind.

If Putin isn’t controlling this, and ordering this type of division among our nation, he couldn’t possibly have asked for anything better.

Trump wasn’t done, he saved the horrific for the follow-up:

“It’s something that we’re going to do something about,” he added. “Because if they don’t fix it up, clean it up, take care of the homeless, do what they have to do but clean up their city, the federal government is going to have to step in. And we’re going to do it in Los Angeles and San Francisco.”

Just exactly what does Trump think the federal government can do under the constitution to take over the state’s responsibility? Certainly the state can ask for federal assistance, and the federal government has some responsibility in particular areas, DEA, IRS, Border Patrol, FAA, but in terms of the “general welfare,” no – those are duties entrusted to the state, which is always free to ask for help, but not subject to “invasion to takeover.”

And please do note that Trump is only threatening this shit in the liberal enclaves in California. Just like Trump had to take his rage out on Vindman for disloyalty, he is going to take his rage out on San Francisco and Los Angeles for what he sees as their “disloyalty.” If you take note of Trump’s tone, he’s not offering a hand of “compassionate assistance” or “cooperation,” he is talking about “taking over.”

This is fascism.

As a resident of Mississippi, let me absolutely assure you that my state can go pound for pound with anything San Francisco or Los Angeles has to offer. But we’re not going to be invaded, we’re “favored,” in that we are perhaps the strongest Trump supporting state in the nation.

My head is absolutely spinning. This is insanity. Trump ordered federal troops to the border to stop a non-existant caravan, despite it not being a military duty. Is he proposing to send in federal troops, or the border patrol (as a federal police force) to sweep up the homeless and put them in camps? Just what is Trump intending?

It is high time to start taking this man and his words seriously. We used to laugh off a lot of what seemed like vacant threats. Maybe they were, then. But with no more adult supervision in the White House, nothing that comes out of his mouth should be taken as “too ridiculous” or “absurd,” or even “too abusive” for him to attempt. WE damn well better start taking him seriously. A man capable of “taking over Los Angeles, and San Francisco” is a man capable of “taking over an election,” because excuse excuse excuse.

I will say it again, this is fascism. There’s nothing in the constitution that allows him to “take over,” and yet I bet he is seriously planning it anyway.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom