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Americans Are Furious that Press Conference Turns Into Commercial for ‘My Pillow’ and Others

It was flat bizarre. Trump transitioned from his usual “perfection” dance, and then stated that we might have only 200,000 deaths, instead of the 2.2 million deaths that the CDC projects we might have had if the federal government did nothing – 200,000 becomes a “victory” due to Trump’s perfection.

But it was the commercials that came afterward, after hearing that we face 200,000 deaths, that each company’s executive getting time, over seven executives, that infuriated Americans,

The anger was palpable immediately on Twitter, and it got uncomfortable seeing it go on and on, the “My Pillow” commercial lasted about two minutes, and then transitioned into other companies, which outraged people to an even greater degree:

This should absolutely be disclosed because these are now official “commercials” – introducing their company, their products, etc., and then transitioning to what they were doing for the nation.


And that wasn’t the only problem. They each had to pay their homage to the king:

There seems to be only one solution:

I think it is time.

When asked about how he would respond to Americans who are upset with him, Trump called it a “nasty” and “snarky” question, and then once again implied that products are going out the backdoor of the hospitals in New York.

Trump has no facts, and yet again is asking why masks are going out the backdoor – he wants a reporter to do an investigation, even though this man leads a country that includes a department called the FBI. If war profiteering is going on, the FBI needs to look into it, and Trump needs to shut up.

It is time to get the press conferences off the air, and run highlights, this is entirely irresponsible and people are furious.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom