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Don Jr. Faces Brutal Blowback After Saying Joe Biden Has Alzheimer’s: ‘Your Father Can Barely Speak!’

In another episode of satellite modified projection, Don Jr. took his turn at playing neurologist with precious little evidence, and tried to diagnose Joe Biden as afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease.

As an aside, we should take note of the Republican habit to take speculation or accusations lobbed at them and turn it around to accuse someone on the other, in spite of the evidence.

Junior shared a video clip of a man accusing Joe Biden of wanting to end the second amendment, Biden responded by telling the man that he was full of shit.

That’s not a good look for Joe. I would argue that he doesn’t look good in that response. But who knows what all was said and it isn’t that bad for Biden to push back on a hot button issue worrying the nation.

Regardless Don Jr. posted it with the following caption:

“From the Alzheimers association webpage,” Trump Jr. tweeted. “‘Aggressive or angry behaviors may occur in people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias.’”

“A 50 year career politician doesn’t snap back this way to a blue collar guy asking him a reasonable question given his parties stance on the issue,” he added.

Whoa. Projection!!

How many times has his father gotten furious with the media at the snap of a finger, and done far worse? “You are very rude! …” Ring any bells?

It went over about as well as you might think:

Below might be my favorite, because to “Trump” will have serious action meaning for all kinds of aberrant behavior in the future, all of which will be stupid and over the top.

And then a friendly warning:

Yes. Never forget how closely the message tracks, from the Trump campaign, to Jill Stein, to the Berni Bros, to Moscow itself, the message is consistent, and one has to wonder if there is direction in a least a few groups:

I think we’re established that Don Jr. should leave this entire subject matter alone. It opens him up to a blowback for which he is unprepared.


Peace, y’all


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