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Former Apprentice Staffer Reveals Trump Barely Works, is an Addict, and We Should Fear Ivanka

Noel Casler is a funny guy, fittingly enough, as he’s a comedian. But he was also an employee on The Celebrity Apprentice, and he is one of the very few from the show who has fearlessly and relentlessly dished details as to what happened on the set. Of course, Casler hasn’t been able to prove any of them, but it is worth noting that despite all the NDAs signed by people upon entering and leaving the show, Casler has not been sued. We are printing his latest tweets here without comment upon the truthfulness of the claims made.

It is worth seeing the tweets, if for no other reason than to see where some of the now well-known accusations against Trump originate.

Casler is not shy letting the public know that Trump is an incompetent criminal who is often his own worst enemy, a victim of his own excesses. Just this morning, Casler assures us that Trump is president to protect the Russian mob:

One of the things that I find fascinating is whether it is true that the Russians enlisted Mark Burnett to revitalize Trump’s image long ago, in preparation for a presidential run. If true, the Russians play a long game, and it appears that they couldn’t have done it without the help of Jared Kushner:

Not only that, but the actual furniture in the Trump Organization offices was so shoddy and old, it made the place unrealistic as a powerful board room. The show how to go out and rent furniture to make Trump look successful. This is not a very wealthy man, or at least a man with very poor taste – a slob:

Who could’ve guessed? They are saying Trump was too cheap to provide the upkeep and amenities that would convince the nation that the man occupied a powerful place in the New York real estate community?

And Trump was scamming money from the show for the family back then, too:

That is exactly right, real billionaires don’t sink to this level. Real billionaires do not rely upon the largesse of a television show’s expense account to pay the kids. Real billionaires make more money tracking their own investments for the 10 minutes it would have ten to make the request of the show.

Cannot confirm below, but this is what Noel is saying

And the most perfect summation of yesterday, and what we’ve been through in the last week with Trump as president

No telling how much is precisely true, but there are a lot of observations which ring true to the ears. Take it all with a grain of salt but see if some of it doesn’t sound quite plausible.

Last scary warning from someone who knows him:

Having seen all that, it is worth pulling some quotes from a radio interview captured by Crooks and Liars [12] back in early January from this year, with some explosive accusations:

First, Casler sure nails what we’ve seen from Trump’s schedule, filled with lots of “executive time.”

“The guy is unmanageable...He’s not a functioning human being. He barely works….Imagine the dysfunction and the insanity these people are witnessing at the White House. The GOP leaders that, as you said, are enabling him. He doesn’t even leave the residency anymore. You know, when he took office, he wouldn’t come down to the Oval Office until noon. And they started calling it executive time. Right. And I’m like, I know what that’s about. He’s a 73 year old drug addict. It takes him three hours to get going in the morning.…and now he has degenerated to the point where he doesn’t leave the residence. He’s taking most of those meetings when he’s at the White House in his private quarters.”

And then the part that I find most frightening, as I have long believed there is a good chance that princess “Vanky” gets lifted to the Vice Presidential spot on the ticket, watch out for the biggest power-grabber in the administration:

“If you are scared of Trump, you should be terrified of Ivanka. I think she’s the brains behind the operation. I’ve seen her manipulate him. It’s all an act. Down to that phony voice she uses. That’s a put on. That’s how he likes her to sound. Her real voice is a lot lower and she curses like a sailor...she’s engineering herself to take over. Ivanka wants to rule us all someday and I’m not being…it’s not just hyperbole….she wants her face on money….so people should be very worried about her.”

Sweet Jesus, that does comport with everything we’ve seen. There are few explanations as to why a mother of three young children chose to go work in a White House in which her husband already worked. And speaking in that sickeningly sweet voice because that’s how “he likes her to sound?” There is something wrong in that family.

An old quote describing another hated president, can’t recall which one, but appropriate of this one: “In the end, he was just a slob.”


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom