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Low-Stamina Trump Stumbles and Misspeaks During Presser and Dr. Fauci Doesn’t Look Happy

A very tired looking Donald Trump told reporters on Saturday that “we are getting close” to reaching a deal on a proposal for the next stimulus bill to deal with the coronavirus.

“There has never been anything like what we are doing on the Hill right now. They are negotiating. Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and they are all up there, Kevin Mccarthy and Nancy Pelosi. They are all negotiating and everybody is working hard and they want to get to a solution that is the right solution,” Trump said Saturday at a coronavirus task force briefing.

Trump spent time praising a pair of drugs that he believes will cure or treat coronavirus, despite no actual testing being done, and Dr. Anthony Fauci does not look pleased.

And of course Trump struggled to speak at times…I have no idea what he’s even trying to say here:

And this is just inappropriate:

And Sarah Jones from PoliticusUSA brings up a great point, there is no new news today…this is just Trump’s new way of getting adulation since he can’t hold rallies anymore: