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Nation Infuriated: Trump Says ‘It Will Be Painful 2 Weeks’ after Saying Virus Would Disappear, Suddenly

Not only is it offensive to hear that we are only going to face “2 painful weeks” – as Trump did say in today’s press conference, Trump once again said that the entire crisis will soon “disappear,” just “one day” that we can’t foresee, it will “disappear.”

Immediately afterward, the two experts, Birx and Fauci then showed graphs and lines that were the opposite of demonstrating a two-week drop (Indeed they shot-up), and nothing in the signs saying anything about the virus “disappearing.”

Why is this so dangerous? Because of people like this, televangelists who believe they are better at treating the disease than someone like Dr. Fauci, who also believe in “disappearance” and “miracles,” and also believe they can just wish it away, and who also are not relying upon science.

Interestingly enough, the two above (who I might write more about tonight), are utilizing the same cutting-edge treatment utilized in the Dark ages to ward off the plague, without which, the black death would have killed two-thirds of Europe’s population, instead of just one-third.

It is also important to know that Trump is milking whatever he can get out of this crisis. The pamphlets that went out to all Americans with the CDC’s guidelines do not say “the CDC Guidelines to Lessen the Spread of the Disease,” nope. They say “The President’s Guidelines to Lessen …” it is humiliating in the United States to have this type of self-obsession.

This is true, but there would almost have to be a different tone because yesterday’s infomercial was panned to such an extent that one had to see this coming, a relatively sober and straightforward press conference. It would be a “Miracle” if it were normal.

But we’re not going to get any miracles, not from the podium, nor the virus.


Peace, y’all


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