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Out of Breath and Sniffing Trump Just Disgustingly Lashed Out at Black Reporter, ‘Enough, That’s Enough!!’

These press conferences are repetitive enough with far too many lies and self-obsessed details. Today – somehow, Trump found it important for him to be the one to tell us that he asked himself why they couldn’t reuse the masks, only then to report that a company has found a way to resterilize, which is great news – why does he think a presidential press conference is the place to cover it?

We should note, more importantly, that Trump once again appeared totally out of breath during the first couple of minutes. It was – again – deeply concerning if someone was listening for it.

Regardless, the press conferences are as worthless as him. Everything is perfect, it is flat amazing with massive planes, tremendous progress. Truly, things really couldn’t be going better at the federal government. We had guest appearances by suck-up CEOs, every single one told us that Trump’s leadership is incredible, and then tell us how fcking tremendous things are, the collaboration is incredible.

But then out of nowhere – literally amid a relentless rundown of perfection, Trump throws out this utter bullshit:

And Trump did exactly that, it was clear as day.

Trump’s hatred for certain blue states and certain governments – or at least his jealousy of certain governors, have driven actual policy at this point.

In one of the few ironic twists to a press conference like this, “selling masks out the backdoor,” sounds like something Trump might’ve come up with.

Let’s be clear about one thing. Other than the dead, no one has been hit harder, worked more relentlessly and suffered more emotionally than the hospitals and their workers than those in New York. Yet the one and only thing negative Trump brought up during his part of the press conference – before questions – was to accuse New York hospitals, or at least imply it might be happening, of war-profiteering.


I suppose we’d get here eventually, the man who has victim shamed/blamed through almost countless sexual assaults in his life, and accused innocent people, would find a way through all this perfection to victim shame even now.

I am speechless.

Trump just went out of his mind and completely lashed out at Yamiche Alcindor, a reporter Trump has slammed in the past. (Video Below)

Alcindor tweets the exact line of questioning she asked about:

This is disgusting:

Video here, now available in case it did not come through above.

It took ten minutes for another reporter to ask if Trump would allow Alcindor to ask her question again, and he did act nicely in letting her ask a question – he then pretty well ignored the question and went into drug addiction becoming worse, which is true – and yet did not directly address her question.

Trump then called CNN’s reporter a liar, even though the reporter read back Trump’s entire statement about Governors being appreciative of him. Trump said that if Governors are not appreciative of him, they are not appreciative of the “incredible people” … and then Trump said “that is why no one is watching CNN anymore.” Trump reiterated. that when people don’t appreciate Trump, they don’t appreciate the others. Trump finished by saying no one trusts CNN anymore, “you’re fake news.”

Trump somehow too a shot at Democrats during this tragic period. And then of course Trump went into ratings, and that CNN wouldn’t be there in a million years if they weren’t getting incredible ratings. Trump seemed to not understand that people are terrified about the coming pandemic, they are not tuning in to see Trump so much as get information – he went back to ratings “Monday Night Football type ratings.” Were that not enough, he then took a shot at the New York Times.

Trump finally got a question about the economic situation around the country. Trump was losing his mind at that point, saying something about “riding that cowboy” through the economic downturn.


Peace, y’all


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom