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People Shocked After Trump Appears Looking Terrible Following Coronavirus Meeting on Capitol Hill

Last night the White House said Donald Trump has not been tested for coronavirus, following questions over his contact with several GOP lawmakers who had been in contact with the individual at CPAC who tested positive.

This afternoon, the president himself was asked on Capitol Hill if he would get tested and he said the following:

“I don’t think it’s a big deal. I would do it, I don’t feel any reason. I feel extremely good, I feel very good. But I guess it’s not a big deal to get tested and it’s something I would do. But again, spoke to the White House doctor — terrific guy, talented guy — he said he sees no reason to do it. There’s no symptoms, no anything.”

Trump added, “If there were, you people would be the first to know it and you woule maybe even tell me about it.”

Because Trump thinks he’s Superman and Adderall will keep him safe.

But Trump didn’t look good. His makeup was very thick and orange, and his pupils were huge.

Trump gave us absolutely no confidence, in fact, he said the coronavirus would simply “go away”.

Quite a few people mentioned that they thought Trump seems medicated, or zoned out on drugs: