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Stephanie Grisham Slams Media For Criticizing Trump’s Coronavirus Response, ‘Why Look Backwards to Figure Out What Happened?

Everything you ever needed to know about Trump and his administration’s attitude and fear of accountability is encapsulated in one comment uttered by Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, the press secretary that has never done a press conference.

Donald Trump and this White House desperately need to keep people from examining what Trump has done, whether it was before the presidency or while president. This president is about the con, and the con cannot work if someone knows about what he’s done in the past. It can only work if one is captured in the now, concentrated on the issue of the moment.

Lately, it has only taken a week to a month for the media to report Trump’s failures concerning the Coronavirus. As we’ve always said, the video remains fresh forever, and at any point, one can view the video of Trump stating that the virus is a hoax, perpetrated by the Democrats to make him look bad. Thus, Trump and the White House get angry when the media reminds people of those failures. As Grisham said to Howard Kurtz of Fox this morning:

“I don’t know why the media has to continue to look backwards. The president didn’t have a crystal ball there. And he has acted appropriately. He has acted appropriately from the beginning.”

Well, the media doesn’t have a crystal ball, either, Steph. So they can’t report on what Trump did in May of 2020. Moreover, everyone understands that no one has a crystal ball, so it’s important to analyze how a president evaluates the information available, how he or she plans for the future, and then whether it works!

And what one finds  in this case is that Trump often didn’t act appropriately. That is precisely the reason you don’t want people looking back. You have an election coming. You need people concentrated on today’s con.


Peace, y’all


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