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COVID-19 is Expected to Explode in 2-3 Weeks — Here’s What You Need to Know

I have written countless columns over the years, and a long novel. This will constitute the saddest 500-700 words written. But we need to face reality. The real experts outside [1] of the grip of the task force overseen by Trump and Pence are in a consensus, the number of cases and the number of deaths will explode in the United States in the next 2-3 weeks.

The characteristics of epidemics and pandemics constitute a scientific specialty, studied with evidence culled from epidemics large and small from records back to whenever records started. Epidemiologists cannot perfectly predict all characteristics of an epidemic, but they are far more able to predict consequences than vulcanologists, geologists even meteorologists. They have sufficient evidence now to know enough about what is about to overtake our nation.

Please start doing all you possibly can to prepare. Practice the most stringent social distancing and personal habits that you possibly can. You do not need to buy a month’s worth of food, but you will want enough provisions such that you’re not going to the store near as often. Practice having only one specific person leave to get what’s needed for the entire epidemic, that sole person will become perfect in safety precautions. Practice going outside for your mental hygiene, but do it with maximum caution, individually, not coming within 20 feet of anyone. Learn to skype, because sitting in your home for a month, two, three, will severely stress your mental health, stress decreases your immune response and leaves you vulnerable to other health issues.

Call your doctor now, and do all you friggin can to get 3 months of any daily medication, and double or triple your “as needed” medication. You do not want to chance your needed medicine being unavailable or just having to go get it. You may also just consider asking for a few sleep or anxiety pills.

Want to know how serious this is? The governor of the state of California just predicted that 25 million [2] of his citizens will at least get the virus (obviously not all will even show signs of the disease).  He did not make that number up, he got it from experts that study the evidence.

Do NOT buy masks. All masks are needed for medical personnel. If you believe you need something when you go out, use a cloth towel, it will work at least as well. Use gloves as much as possible. But do NOT buy medical gloves. Same thing – they’re needed for the medical professionals. Use the work gloves you have, use the thinnest winter gloves you have, and wash them when you get home. Do not worry if you think you look stupid.

I am not a genius. I am not a specialist. I simply have had the time that you may not have had to read a ton of the recommendations and predictions, and I hope I have written here long enough to have gained enough trust that I don’t need to link to each item.

I am convinced that if you start now, practicing before it is even most needed (my state hasn’t even damned well shut down everything! I am in Mississippi and restaurants and hardware stores are still open! I need to start right now.) The number of cases out there right now is far far greater than we’ve heard reported. We have nowhere near enough tests to count each case. But it’s a tiny fraction of what’s coming.

Last, for the 30-year-olds here who believe that it’s not that big a threat to you individually, you’re likely (likely) right. But in the United States, it is impacting younger people somewhat stronger than in any other area except France. But much more importantly, even if you are not going to get severely ill if you get the disease, if you do not take precautions, you can make it such that you pass it on to five other people, maybe one gets severely ill, maybe that person gets someone else severely ill. Just because it maybe isn’t a big threat to you, doesn’t mean you can’t severely hurt others.

It is going to hit hard, but not quite yet. Now is the time to really really practice, because, in 2-3 weeks, we are going to be in a situation that quite literally none of us has ever faced.

I care about the entire community of my readers, so take care of yourselves, and I’ll try my best to keep everyone informed. I have more time bc it’s my job, so I’ll commit to getting word to you.


Peace, y’all, and please stay safe


[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom